Victim Resources

Victim Rights & Resources

Victims' Rights & Options

Experiencing victimization can be traumatic. Victims may feel isolated and confused, and may not know where to turn for support and information. The University of Arizona offers resources to students and employees impacted by sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Available supportive accommodations can be enacted quickly, before or without a complaint being filed, and will be confidential to the extent allowable under law and policy.

 If you are in danger, call 9-1-1

Victims' Rights & Options Brochure

To request supportive measures and accommodations university students and employees can contact:



Victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking have several options regarding notifying and involving law enforcement and university authorities, and may choose to: 

  • Notify law enforcement authorities, including on-campus and local police, themselves.
  • Be assisted by university authorities in notifying law enforcement.
  • Decline to notify such authorities.

Whether or not a victim chooses to involve law enforcement or a university disciplinary authority, the university provides victims with information on, and access to, existing counseling, health, mental health, survivor advocacy, legal assistance, visa and immigration assistance, student financial aid, and other support and resources.

Additional information on rights and options is available through:


Exterior of the Biomedical Sciences building.


When the university is aware of an incident of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, steps are taken to protect the confidentiality of the victim. 

  • Confidential resources are available to the victim to ensure the victim has access to resources, options, and support without making a report to any university official. 
  • Publicly available recordkeeping, such as the daily crime log and annual crime statistics, has no personally identifiable information about the victim. 
  • Publicly available crime warnings never have personally identifiable information about a victim. 
  • Accommodations are confidential (to the extent they can be, without impairing the ability to provide them). 

Reporting Options

Supportive Accommodations

The University of Arizona will offer and implement appropriate and reasonable supportive accommodations upon notice of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking.

The university will maintain the privacy of any individual receiving supportive accommodations, in accordance with law and policy, provided that this privacy does not impair the university’s ability to provide the supportive accommodations.

To request supportive measures/accommodations contact:


Flowers in front of old main.

Legal Protective Orders

Legal Orders (Orders of Protection and Injunctions Against Harassment) in Arizona can be initiated at This website also provides information on process steps, information on courts throughout Arizona, and on community-based advocates. 

Survivor Advocates confidential support is available at to assist individuals in the Arizona legal protective order petition process. 

Tribal Protective Orders may be available through courts which administer the justice systems of Native Nations/tribal nations. Each tribal court may follow a specific process; individuals seeking tribal protective orders should contact the tribal court directly. A list of tribal courts by state is available at 


BioSphere 2 Interior

Administrative No Contact Orders

No Contact Orders are university administrative orders that are generally non-disciplinary and mutually binding. The orders are issued to students and may be issued in all instances where the university may exert disciplinary authority. 

To request a No Contact Order to prevent, address, or remediate discrimination or harassment, including sex-based harassment, sexual assault, sex-based domestic violence, dating violence, and sex-based stalking, contact:

To request a No Contact Order in all other circumstances, including to prevent or address non-sex-based domestic violence and stalking, contact: 

Assistance Resources

The university offers a range of resources to students and employees impacted by sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. 

Student Assistance

Medical Services

Counseling Mental Health



Legal Assistance

Victim Advocacy - Tucson/Arizona

Visa & Immigration

Safe Transportation

Student Financial Aid



Disciplinary/Grievance Complaints

Disciplinary/grievance procedures are in place for students and employees. 

Report to the Office of Institutional Equity

To make a complaint against an employee or student for sex discrimination or sex-based harassment, contact:

Report to the Dean of Students Office

To make a complaint against a student for non-sex-based domestic violence or stalking, contact:

Report to the division of Human Resources

To make a complaint against an employee for non-sex-based domestic violence or stalking, contact: