Understanding Campus Safety

Understanding Campus Safety

Exterior of Tree Ring laboratory.

Our Clery Act compliance efforts contribute to maintaining a system of campus safety and prevention approaches to make campus safer and enhance transparency. 

The Clery Act requires all universities and colleges that receive federal Title IV funding to: 

  • Provide prevention and awareness programming.
  • Devise an emergency response, notification, and testing policy. 
  • Enact policies and procedures to handle reports of missing students.
  • Disclose procedures for student disciplinary actions.
  • Issue campus alerts and timely warning notices.
  • Maintain a Daily Crime Log.
  • Publish an Annual Security Report (ASR).
  • Compile and report fire data to the federal government and publish an Annual Fire Safety Report for campuses with on-campus student housing facilities.
  • Disclose crime statistics for incidents that occur on campus, in unobstructed public areas immediately adjacent to or running through the campus, and at certain non-campus facilities.

Everyone within the university community plays a role in maintaining a safe and welcoming campus. The spirit of the Clery Act is direct: knowledge is power. By equipping students, employees, and members of the public with information about safety policies, procedures, and potentially dangerous situations on campus, they can make informed decisions and take necessary steps to remain safe. 

Staying Safe

The University of Arizona is a vibrant community of over 70,000 students and employees, and annually hosts thousands of visitors and guests on our campuses. Staying safe requires staying informed about what is happening on campus and any available safety resources. 

Wildcat Safety Guide

The Office of Public Safety produces the Wildcat Safety Guide to compile campus safety resources, programs, policies, and procedures available across the university. We encourage you to review and use these campus resources.

Wildcat Safety Guide


Alerts and Emergency Reporting